I started creating content for YouTube a few years ago and since then found a love for creating gear reviews and demos of all things heavy.

In 2019 I attended several comic cons with my wife, Caz, trading with her comic book word art. I then decided to cover a few guitars in old comic books and they got a lot of attention at the conventions. However, these did come at a much higher price tag than many would spend at a comic-con.

I decided we needed a few smaller and budget friendly items for the table and then, well, 2020 hit and we all know how that turned out. However, in June I decided to buy a TS kit and that’s when I got addicted to pedal building. I made another TS kit for JameSlays and then a Bazzfuss kit and this is where it gets interesting. Both of the TS’s worked first click and sounded great! The Bazzfuss didn’t. I spent a few hours trawling the internet and eventually found I had fitted the transistor in the wrong way.

Upon trying to remove the transistor I burnt it out and snapped a leg. Great. So I decided to buy all the components again as well as some vero board and then build another one. And another. And another.

Now I am building batches of pedals and love it more with each build! I hand make every pedal, test and wire each enclosure individually. I offer several different types of enclosure finish. I can offer comic book covered, swirled, painted or crackled enclosure finishes.

I can also offer a customised covering service. If you have a pedal you love, but want it covering in comics, crackle, swirl or painted a completely different colour or set of colours, then get in touch via the contact form.

Thanks and I look forward to creating you something you will love.

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